Klasha provides a Magento 2 module that allows customers to buy products from your store through Klasha Checkout using various payment methods, such as debit/credit cards, bank transfer, USSD, Klasha Wallet, M-Pesa, and Mobile money.
A working Magento installation
An SSH client like Terminal (for macOS and Linux and PUTTY for Windows)
Installation Procedure
Download the zipped Klasha Magento Plugin file here.
Unzip file.
Using any FTP solution (e.g., FileZilla), connect to the server hosting your Magento 2 website and transfer the unzipped Klasha Magento Plugin file to the directory “/var/www/html/app/code/Magento/KlashaPaymentGateway” on your server.
After transferring the files, with your SSH client, log into the server containing your Magento website and paste cd /var/www/html.
Enter the following commands, one after the other, in your command line to enable the Klasha module.
php bin/magento module:enable Magento_KlashaPaymentGateway --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile 8.Head to your Magento 2 admin dashboard, and go to Stores > Configuration. Under the Sales tab, choose Payment Methods. Klasha should be the first option under Other Payment Methods.
Enable Klasha by clicking the first option in the Klasha section and choosing Yes.
Configure your plugin by inputting your API Keys. These live keys are available on the Klasha dashboard here, and the following are sample test keys to use:
Private key:
Public key: b3ror1j4xjuctll5M0oXLa6BFUucPLcK+vAXR9EkRV74UkMh+9BY7TOF0c7ju4aK
Use Test Keys while testing your website to ensure it works properly, then use Live Keys when you are ready to start accepting payments from customers. Ensure you click the Test Mode dropdown and put No when you are ready to start accepting live payments.
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